lundi 1 février 2010

Haïti-séisme/Édifices publics endommagés ou détruits: quelques images «semi-officielles»

1.- Palais national - 1

2.- Palais national - 2
«A large IDP camp sits directly across the street from the Presidential Palace.»

3.- Ministère de l'économie et des finances
«The Ministry of Finance had major infrastructure damage, visual evidence of the partial collapse of front of building and interior floors and ceilings, and damage to the roof. Unsafe to enter

4.- Ministère de la planification et de la coopération externe - 1
«The Ministry of Planning remains standing (Front) but the visual outside inspection of building revealed serious cracks and stress to the entire building and partial interior collapsed floors

5.- Ministère de la planification et de la coopération externe - 2
«The Ministry of Planning (from rear of building)
Partial collapse of rear of building and interior floors and ceilings, and damage to the roof
. »

6.- Ministère de la Justice
«The Ministry of Justice has completely collapsed, crews began demolition

7.- Ministère des haïtiens vivants à l'étranger
«The Ministry for Haitians Abroad: severe structural damage, the building has collapsed in several sections. Unsafe to enter

8.- Ministère à la condition féminine et aux droits de la femme
«The Ministry for Women’s Affairs has totally collapsed

9.- Ministère de l'agriculture, des ressources naturelles et du développemement rural - 1
«The Ministry of Agriculture’s main building displayed large cracks on the exterior of the building and major stress at joints. There are several outer buildings that seemed to have suffered minor damages, with one new building under construction (pictured) that appeared intact

10.- Ministère de l'agriculture, des ressources naturelles et du développemement rural - 2

11.- Ministère de l'éducation nationale - 1

12.- Ministère de l'éducation - 2
«The main building of the Ministry of Education collapsed in several sections, demolition had begun. A second MOE building near the waterfront appeared intact (was unable to gain access).»

13.- Ministère de la jeunesse et des sports
«Ministry of Youth and Sport did not appear to have major structural damage. Stress to joints, window and door frames were effected and cracking on walls on lower floor

14.- Ministère de l'environnement
«Ministry for Environment showed evidence of major structural damage and collapsed sections. Unable to gain access because of rubble to egress areas

15.- Édifice de la Primature
«The Office of the Prime Minister evidenced structural cracks, apparent shifting of the foundation, and other instances of stress. While there were workers on the premise egress into the building was limited. Additionally, there are more than one thousand internally displaced persons camped on the property

16.- Ministère des affaires sociales et du travail
«The Ministry for Social Welfare had major structural damage including collapsed walls and floors

17.- Ministère des affaires étrangères et des cultes
«The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has completely collapsed, crews began demolition.»

18.- Ministère de la culture et des communications
«The Ministry for Culture and Communications evidenced major cracks and partial collapse of front wall and floors

19.- Ministère de la santé publique et de la population
«The Ministry for Health & Population’s exterior walls has collapsed

20.- Ministère des travaux publics (?)
«The Ministry for Health & Population suffered major structural damage with exterior walls collapsing

21.- Ministère de l'intérieur et des collectivités territoriales
«Ministry of Interior suffered major structural damage with exterior walls collapsing

22.- Direction Générale des Impôts (?)
«Bureau of Tax has collapsed

23.- Palais de Justice
Palace of Justice has collapsed

24.- Ministère du commerce et de l'industrie
«Ministry of Commerce suffered major structural damage with exterior walls and roof collapsing

25.- Ministère du tourisme
«Ministry of Tourism is largely intact, however, evidence of exterior cracking and stress to foundation

26.- Palais législatif
«Parliament suffered major structural damage with partially collapsed building.»

  1. Sight surveys of the structural integrity of 22 GOH office building were undertaken on January 20 & 21, 2010.
  2. They were alternately conducted by Mess. Lionel Grand Pierre, Chief Engineer for the Ministry of Planning, US Army Corps of Engineers’, Mr. Don Smith, Mr. Greg Hall, and SGT. Jason Jacot, USAID/Haiti Engineer, Mario Nicoleau, and OTI Senior Advisor Patrick Fn’Piere.
  3. The following bureaus, offices, and ministries were surveyed: Planning, Finance, Health, Public Works, Interior, Bureau of Tax, Palace of Justice (Supreme Court), Commerce, Tourism, Women’s Affairs, Justice, Haitians Living Abroad, Social Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Culture/Information, Agriculture, Environment, Education, Youth & Sports, Parliament, the Presidential Palace, and the Office of the Prime Minister. See Pictorial Inventory.
  4. Summary Findings: Of the 22 structures surveyed: 21 buildings sustained significant observable structural damage to walls, roofs, joints, or floors. 18 buildings had partially collapsed sections (including three buildings, the Ministry of Justice, Foreign Affairs, and Education had totally collapsed). 3 buildings, the Ministry of Tourism, Agriculture, and the Office of the Prime Minister are largely intact; however, they showed signs of severe exterior cracking and stress. And one building, the Ministry for Youth and Sport appeared to have suffered only minimal damages.

Le Coin de Pierre - Génie civil remercie l'internaute Réginald Joseph ( reginaldcompucas@yahoo ) de lui avoir transmis les images ci-dessus. Il reste quelque doutes sur l'identifiction d'un bâtiment, la DGI et d'une partie d'un bâtiment: le Ministère des travaux publics ou celui de la santé publique (l'une des deux photos).

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