samedi 10 septembre 2011

Premier cours de mécanique des sols/ Les essais de laboratoire à l'Université de l'Illinois à Chicago


Amies et amis internautes,

Voici les liens vers les informations relatives aux essais de laboratoires reliés au premier cours de mécanique des sols.
Il s'agit de matériels didactiques préparés/publiés en 2002 par le Professeur Krishna R. Reddy, Ph.D., P.E., dans son cours: CME315 - SOIL MECHANICS AND LABORATORY. (*)

On cliquera sur chacune des rubliques suivantes pour accéder au fichier pdf traitant l'essai/le sujet en question.
  1. Title (Titre)
  2. Introduction (Introduction)  
  3. Experiment 1: Water Content (Teneur en eau) 
  4. Experiment 2: Organic Content (Teneur en matière organique)
  5. Experiment 3: Unit Weight (Poids volumique)
  6. Experiment 4: Specific Gravity (Densité relative GS)
  7. Experiment 5: Relative Density (Indice de densité relative, ID)
  8. Experiment 6: Grain Size Analysis (Analyse granulométrique)
  9. Experiment 7: Atterberg Limits (Limites d'Atterberg)
  10. Experiment 8: Visual Classification (Identification visuelle)
  11. Experiment 9: Moisture-Density Relationship (Compactage en laboratoire (Essai Proctor))
  12. Experiment 10: Hydraulic Conductivity (Permeability) (Essai de perméabilité)
  13. Experiment 11: Consolidation (Essai de consolidation à l'oedomètre)
  14. Experiment 12: Shear Strength (Direct Shear) (Essai de cisaillement direct)
  15. Experiment 13: Shear Strength (Unconfined Compression) (Essai de compression simple)
  16. Experiment 14: Shear Strength (Triaxial Shear) (Essai de compression triaxiale (Cet essai n'est pas disponible sur le site Web de l'UIC)) 
(*) Voici ce qu'on lit au bas de la page du site de l'UIC intitulée: Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Laboratory :

« Dr. Krishna Reddy is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC). He is also the Director of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Laboratory at this university. Dr. Reddy received his Ph.D. from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. He received gold medals for being first in his class of B.S. (Civil) in Osmania University and M.S. (Civil) in Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. Dr. Reddy is a professional engineer in the State of Illinois and he worked as civil engineer and project manager in consulting engineering companies for several years and involved in several major projects dealing with landfills, contaminated sites, and groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling. Dr. Reddy teaches various geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Reddy has developed and taught several geoenvironmental engineering courses including Environmental Geotechnology, Environmental Remediation Engineering, and Design of Landfills and Impoundments. Dr. Reddy's research expertise includes remediation of contaminated sites, waste containment systems, and waste material characterization and reuse. Dr. Reddy's research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Gas Research Institute, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Commerce and Community Opportunities, and several private industries and consulting firms. Dr. Reddy has published over 150 technical papers on various topics in geoenvironmental engineering. He is also the co-author of the book "Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site Remediation, Waste Containment and Emerging Waste Management Technologies" published by John Wiley. Dr. Reddy is a member of ASCE, NGWA and other professional organizations. He is an active member of the ASCE Geoenvironmental Engineering Committee. Dr. Reddy is the North America Editor of the Land Contamination & Reclamation journal, and he serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Soil and Sediment Contamination, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, and Geotechnical Testing Journal. Dr. Reddy has been invited as keynote speaker at several international workshops and conferences. He has received several awards and honors for excellence in teaching, research, and professional service. »        

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